Spring comes to Persevere too


Last year’s harvest at Persevere: time to plant this year’s crop.

It really must be spring. Ally Tibbitt of Greener Leith reminds us there is a spring clean at Persevere Community Garden too on Saturday 21st March. There’s a pond to dig, topsoil to spread, weeds to pull and (almost certainly) some rubbish  to tidy up. The  garden is open from 11 am until early afternoon.  And the more who can come to help, the merrier! Continue reading “Spring comes to Persevere too”

Buried treasure unearthed in the garden


Harvest time in Persevere Community Garden

The sun was shining through the window and there was a pot of tea on the go. To be honest, I could have been tempted to stay at home last Saturday but I am very glad I didn’t. The open day at Persevere Community Garden was a great way to spend a day off. There was hot soup, a blazing bonfire, great company and to our amazement, there was a good crop of potatoes growing beneath the weeds in our plot. Hard to believe that just six months ago this ground was so hard we had to use a pick axe to get into it. Continue reading “Buried treasure unearthed in the garden”

One potato, two potato…and maybe even more at Persevere open day

top potato

We are about to dig up the potatoes we planted on one of the coldest and wettest midsummer days on record. Come and join us for the Persevere Tattie Harvest from 12noon on Saturday 11 October. Continue reading “One potato, two potato…and maybe even more at Persevere open day”

Say treeees


Just wanted to add this picture pinched from the Greener Leith website (thanks to Alastair Tibbitt who is behind the camera) because it really seems to sum up the spirit of Persevere Community Garden. We’re really looking forward to working with all the other groups involved: Persevere Community Flat, Green Seeds and Greener Leith. Continue reading “Say treeees”