Onions sizzle in the pan. When Rana adds her mix of whole spices a tantalising aroma fills the hall and a small crowd gathers round the table.
Continue reading “Cooking, eating and sharing food – a virtual feast from a safe distance”Tag: Out of the Blue
Jock Tamson’s brunch
I translated at the Nuremberg Trials. I looked Hess in the eyes….I still didn’t know what had happened to my family. David Goldberg
The World Kitchen multicultural brunch at Out of the Blue on Sunday 1 April was inspired by the unforgettable stories in Jock Tamson’s Bairns Exhibition. If you saw the words and pictures on display during Previously, Scotland’s History Festival you will know why.
World Kitchen tapas for World Food Day
Things are heating up again at World Kitchen in Leith as members prepare to take part in World Food Day at Out of the Blue Drill Hall. Please consider this your invitation to join us!
Exits and entrances in the theatre
…the woman and man in the street do not know that they are speaking theatre. Augusto Boal April 16 1931 – May 2 2009
The pioneering Leith community theatre group, Active Inquiry is making its debut with SPACE, the story of Maggie, an ordinary woman who finds it difficult to persuade people in the local community to help her save the neighbourhood park from being turned into a car park. (Next performance Wednesday 13th May). Continue reading “Exits and entrances in the theatre”