Sharing secrets of success with Josh Littlejohn

Social Bite is a “Social Business”, meaning that no matter how big it grows, no individual will ever get rich from the business. Josh Littlejohn

Josh Littlejohn of the social business Social Bite is pretty busy these days.  So we are really delighted he is finding time to give the keynote speech at The Gathering on Saturday 3 December.

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Taboos, temptations – and a little Eve’s pudding

What to cook for the Being Human Festival event? Treading softly through food taboos, World Kitchen in Leith has drawn up a tempting menu with dishes sending aromas sizzling through cyberspace in a rapid exchange of emails between the cooks. Continue reading “Taboos, temptations – and a little Eve’s pudding”

Faith and food taboos: what can we cook?

How does converting from one religious faith to another (or none) change family relationships? What happens to individual sense of identity and belonging? And how does that affect simple choices in everyday life?  Continue reading “Faith and food taboos: what can we cook?”

Share your secrets of success at The Gathering

What does success look like? How does it feel and taste? Who makes it happen? How long does it last? Maybe you have some or all of the answers. If so we’d love you to come and share the secrets of success at The Gathering. Continue reading “Share your secrets of success at The Gathering”

Five priorities for community action

Could community co-ops help to solve local housing and childcare shortages? These were two of the most radical proposals to emerge from a Community Manifesto meeting for Edinburgh Northern and Leith. Other priorities included zero waste strategies for the local economy, an empty space audit and devolving more resources to community level. Continue reading “Five priorities for community action”

In search of grandparents who care

Grandad holding toddler grandson's hand

Let’s explain the heading to this blog post. It signals an interesting research project by a post-graduate student who also happens to be a grandparent. Carolyn Hutchison is looking for grandparents actively involved in caring for their grandchildren so we are publishing her open letter inviting you to take part in what sounds like a fascinating study.  Continue reading “In search of grandparents who care”

Blue sky thinking? Let’s write a bold community manifesto

Chimney tops against a blue sky
Through the roof: Edinburgh house prices

Let’s invest in more affordable housing, a sustainable local economy, better care for young and old, better use of public space….these were among top issues at our Open Space event in December. Let’s turn them into a community manifesto for the Scottish Parliament elections in May.

Continue reading “Blue sky thinking? Let’s write a bold community manifesto”

Behind the scenes at City Chambers and Parliament

View of George Street under dark blue sky at dusk
Blue sky thinking in George Street? Photo Ross D Strachan, Creative Commons CC NC by ND 2.0

It was fascinating to see how Edinburgh could look in the future if all sides work together to make a modern city with less congestion and more green space.

David Naylor, the latest participant of the Opening Doors shadow scheme, shares his insight into the work of Edinburgh city councillors and members of the Scottish Parliament. Over to David to tell us more…     Continue reading “Behind the scenes at City Chambers and Parliament”

Let’s write a community manifesto

Votes are cast by sticking coloured dots on flip chart action points
Voting time at our December Open Space event

More power for local communities. That was a strong theme of our Open Space meeting in December 2015. Now we hope together we can turn words into a Community Manifesto for Edinburgh Northern and Leith in the Scottish Parliament elections in May. Please join our community discussion event on Saturday (2 April) in Newhaven Church Cafe 10am – 2pm. Continue reading “Let’s write a community manifesto”

Lets Eat This: the movie live from Leith

It’s a sunny autumn morning with just a hint of challenge in the air. Today’s the day for Lets Eat This Food Extravaganza, a bold experiment aiming to show that leftover food needn’t be chucked in the bin but can be turned into tasty meals instead.

Continue reading “Lets Eat This: the movie live from Leith”