Let’s explain the heading to this blog post. It signals an interesting research project by a post-graduate student who also happens to be a grandparent. Carolyn Hutchison is looking for grandparents actively involved in caring for their grandchildren so we are publishing her open letter inviting you to take part in what sounds like a fascinating study.
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Carers
Becoming a grandparent
I am a post-graduate student (and grandparent) at the University of Edinburgh. I am doing research about the experience of grandparents in Scotland who are looking after their first grandchild regularly on a part-time basis (for example 1-2 days each week).
I am looking for grandparents in the Leith area who might be willing to take part in the study.
Is there a grandparent in your family, or a family you know, who is caring for their first grandchild regularly, on one or two days each week?
Might they be interested in taking part in the study?
If you or anyone you know might be interested in taking part, and would like more information, please e-mail Carolyn Hutchinson at s1164444@exseed.ed.ac.uk