If we are all to become part of The Big Society should we decide what power and responsibility we want? Should we empower ourselves to say how we want to be empowered?!
One good question always leads to another. Power to the People? The latest theatre project from ACTive Inquiry invites you to bring your stories, thoughts and ideas to a drama workshop on Saturday 30th October at Pilmeny Youth Centre exploring the meaning of power and empowerment.
As usual, the experience of real people will provide the essential elements for a Forum Theatre production tackling a hot topic. Artistic director Gavin Crichton explains why:
“Active Inquiry is a Leith-based theatre company making theatre with and for the people of Leith. We would like to say that we empower people but we want to understand what that means first! We are developing a piece of Forum theatre exploring the idea of empowerment and are holding a public workshop in order to collect stories, thoughts and ideas to inform this. All are welcome – especially if you live, work or play in Leith. Performances will take place throughout Leith in the last two weeks of November.”
The drama workshop is on Saturday 30th October at Pilmeny Youth Centre from 10 am – 1pm. It’s free and no previous experience is necessary. (What is Forum Theatre? Click here for a brief answer).
Email Gavin for more information: gavin@activeinquiry.co.uk