What are you doing on Thursday? How about taking a trip Out of Bounds through a reinvented Scotland, following a map drawn by black and Asian poets? The journey – funny, disturbing and hopeful by twists and turns – begins at the Scottish Poetry Library at 6.30pm. Where will it end? Colin Waters, SPL communications manager, tells us more… Continue reading “Travel Out of Bounds through Scotland”
Category: Poet’s corner
A garden guerilla in the Botanics
Spotted in The Poetry Garden last year: Gordon is the one in the stripey jumper.
Perhaps guerilla isn’t quite the right word. But the ‘geopoetic’ poet Gordon Peters might just encourage his audience to explore the possibilities of guerilla gardening during his Allotted Span at the Botanics tomorrow (2.30pm Wednesday 25th August). As Gordon explains in an email… Continue reading “A garden guerilla in the Botanics”
Light, heat and the Alhambra: a view from McDonald Road Library
Meet a man of parts. Sunday’s lecture in McDonald Road Library is by an academic combining a remarkable cluster of interests and talents. Tariq Muneer – poet and Professor of Energy Engineering at Edinburgh Napier University – will present Tales of Alhambra and Moorish Spain from 2-4pm on Sunday 18th July.
Continue reading “Light, heat and the Alhambra: a view from McDonald Road Library”