Jock Tamson’s brunch

I translated at the Nuremberg Trials. I looked Hess in the eyes….I still didn’t know what had happened to my family. David Goldberg

The World Kitchen multicultural brunch at Out of the Blue on Sunday 1 April was inspired by the unforgettable stories in Jock Tamson’s Bairns Exhibition.  If you saw the words and pictures on display during Previously, Scotland’s History Festival you will know why.

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Pancakes for breakfast, tea…any time at all

Apple pancakes with cinnamon butter, a variation on a traditional Scottish theme, went down well at World Kitchen in Leith events this year, here’s the recipe from Fay Young.

Ok, I know dropped scones are really meant for teatime. But they can be good at breakfast too – perhaps, sinfully, fried with bacon and served with maple syrup as a Scottish variation on the Canadian theme. Continue reading “Pancakes for breakfast, tea…any time at all”

Alice’s famous beans in coconut

At World Kitchen in Leith events, Alice’s beans in coconut  disappear off the plates in record time and everyone wants to know how to make them.  Well, here Alice Musamba shares the secret and a little extra tip:  the coconut sauce can be adapted to suit many other vegetables. In fact at last night’s World Kitchen meeting she brought a pot of delicious mushrooms in coconut.  They soon disappeared off the plate too.

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A feeling for Falafel

Rami Okasha rustled up a taste of Egypt for World Food Day.  Here he gives his recipe for Falafel and makes it sound very simple.  That’s Rami in the picture on the right busy dishing up to the stream of people arriving for lunch at Out of the Blue Drill Hall (Ellie and Maka are on the left). Continue reading “A feeling for Falafel”

Practice makes perfect (British) paella

Paella partners: pork, chorizo and squid

For World Food Day in Out of the Blue on Sunday 16 October, Ellie Casson set out to overcome her fear of failure – the perfect paella is hard to make and she has tasted the best in Spain where it comes with sun, sand and the Med. Continue reading “Practice makes perfect (British) paella”

World Kitchen tapas for World Food Day

Things are heating up again at World Kitchen in Leith as members prepare to take part in World Food Day at Out of the Blue Drill Hall.  Please consider this your invitation to join us!

Continue reading “World Kitchen tapas for World Food Day”

Meeting, eating and making music at Swietlica

Flashback to Welcome Home Refugee Night in June

A tempting invitation in my inbox.  An evening of multicultural music, poetry and food at the next Swietlica Open Day on Monday 3 October.  It’s the winning combination that draws crowds to the friendly gathering at Fort Community Wing and so I’m very sorry to miss this event but other members of Leith Open Space will be able to join in. Continue reading “Meeting, eating and making music at Swietlica”

Lights, action, mushrooms

The aim, inspired by the World Kitchen in Leith, is to celebrate  good home cooking from many cultures.

Here is fresh and spicy food to revive your appetite after Christmas and New Year.  In our first World Kitchen film, Mridu Thanki welcomes us into her kitchen to show us how to cook mushrooms in cream with red peppers and fresh green coriander.  It’s delicious, doesn’t cost much, takes only a few minutes to prepare and cook – and you can probably get all or most of the ingredients at the corner shop. (See below for the recipe). Continue reading “Lights, action, mushrooms”

Feasts of India in Mridu’s kitchen


Now click here to enjoy the film

We are in the kitchen with Mridu Thanki to taste a meal from her first cookery book, Feasts of India.  On a cold Edinburgh day there are tantalising warm spicy smells coming from the pan and we are getting hungry.  But it isn’t time to eat yet.  While Mridu lines up red peppers, green coriander and creamy button mushrooms we are trying to capture the moment on film  – hoping tummies do not rumble above the sound of sizzling onions, cumin and chillies. Continue reading “Feasts of India in Mridu’s kitchen”