First signs of spring have been showing for a few weeks now: snowdrops in bloom, frogs in the pond but the real clincher is the email from Redbraes Community Garden. As Julian Siann puts it, the committee have been sharpening their spades for the growing season.
Tomorrow (Saturday 5th March) the committee, chaired by Warren Canham, will meet in Redbraes Hut to plan a busy year ahead. “Hopefully the weather will be good enough to get into the garden,” he says drawing up a list of jobs to be done: “digging/ weeding general tidying up. There are also some maintenance jobs that need doing – including painting the shed, greenhouse and blockwork planters”.
As always it is cheering to see spring arriving at Redbraes, last time we were down there the cold winter sun was shining on the Polish war memorial to Wojtek the Bear.