Anyone for the Big Society? Power to the People? invites you to get involved. Just like Alice, a long-term resident of Hillstone, who is inspired by the new Hillstone Empowerment Project to make some positive changes in her community. Will her enthusiasm be enough to get other people on board and to challenge the agenda of those with power? Find out on Sunday…
Members of the audience get involved in Change earlier this year (picture by Kasia Raszewska)
The aim of the latest Forum Theatre by ACTive Inquiry, which starts on Sunday 24th November, is to question the meaning of power and empowerment. If you have been to any of the earlier productions you will know that opting out is not an option. But the atmosphere is so welcoming audience participation is not nearly as scary as it sounds.
Not scary at all in fact. Your Leith Open Space blogger was at the dress rehearsal in Pilmeny Youth Centre and can report this is a story that will get you off your seat. As one of the young students in the front row said, “I am not the kind of person who enjoys audience participation but I found myself really wanting to get up”. (or words to that effect).
She’s not alone. The ACTive Inquiry flyer quotes members of the audience who saw the 2009 production SPACE: “I’ve never seen anything like it! It is such an interesting and dynamic way to explore issues. I really liked how the audience interacted with and influenced the play.”
Come and find out for yourself, Power to the People starts on Sunday in Out of the Blue and then moves around Leith.
Sun 21st Nov 2010, 3pm, The Out of the Blue Drill Hall, Dalmeny Street, Leith
Mon 22nd Nov, 3.30pm, McDonald Road Library, McDonald Road
Weds 24th Nov, 7pm, The Lighthouse, 20-22 West Harbour Road, Granton
Fri 26th Nov, 6pm, Pilmeny Youth Centre, 44 Buchanan Street, Leith
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