World Kitchen brunch – a success

thanks to Ellie Casson for the delicious chorizo stew…and for the picture too

Where to start?  That was a problem facing our guests at the World Kitchen multicultural brunch which we organised with Multi-Cultural Family Base in Out of the Blue a week ago. We were spoiled for choice with the range of dishes cooked up by the team plus extra treats provided by our friends at  Punjabn De Rasoi  and Kleofas cafe.  Now we’ve got the task of selecting some recipes for publication so you can try them out at home.  Coming up soon… Continue reading “World Kitchen brunch – a success”

The big World Kitchen brunch

Rise and shine: marmalade cake is on the brunch menu too

Yesterday we had one of those isn’t-it-exciting-help-don’t-panic meetings.  We’ve gone from worrying no-one will come to finding we are now fully booked.  So all we have to do now is make sure we cook enough food to feed a big and enthusiastic crowd of all ages coming to the World Kitchen in Leith multicultural family brunch on Sunday.

Continue reading “The big World Kitchen brunch”

Something tasty bubbling in the World Kitchen

The week begins with great plans for another World Kitchen in Leith event…can’t say much at the moment but this time we’re working in collaboration with Multi-Cultural Family Base and Out of the Blue to hold a family event in the early spring. Continue reading “Something tasty bubbling in the World Kitchen”

Red soup for a warm winter supper

No food miles from field to this farm shop

By popular request, here’s the recipe for the red soup we mentioned on Facebook the other night.  Basically you can put together whatever red veg you can find in your cupboard  – a mix sweet potatoes or carrots and tomatoes with lentils for extra nourishment.  But this is the one we made the other night and it worked well.

Continue reading “Red soup for a warm winter supper”

Mridu’s Magical Puri Bread

Continuing our World Kitchen in Leith recipe series, Mridu shares the secret of making Puris

They disappeared like hot cakes.  Deep fried Puris were one of the hits of our World Kitchen in Leith festival night.  Easier than rotis or parathas, puris still need a little practice if you want to get them to puff up into a ball. Here Mridu lets us into the secret in this extract from her book, Feasts of India. Now read on…

Continue reading “Mridu’s Magical Puri Bread”

Granny Barron’s Irish Wheaten Bread

Starting a series of World Kitchen recipes, Sam Barron passes on a family treat:

The recipe was never written down. Over generations the technique was simply a handful of this and a pinch of that.  Then one of Granny Barron’s daughters watched her mother as she made some bread.  She carefully measured the quantities and came up with a recipe that gets close to how it tasted when her Mum made it. Continue reading “Granny Barron’s Irish Wheaten Bread”

Grandmothers’ footsteps

Granny Barron at 100 – can’t guarantee eating wheaten bread will give the same results for all.

Every member of the World Kitchen has a food story that goes back generations, every meal has an aroma that stirs memories.  Many  of the stories  and memories cross continents and somehow grandmothers are a recurring theme. Continue reading “Grandmothers’ footsteps”

Donating to Pakistan

Just one of hundreds of images of the Pakistan floods, the YouTube series by Islamic Relief

An email arrives confirming our donation.  The World Kitchen in Leith evening at Out of the Blue raised a total of £288 towards the Pakistan Flood Relief Appeal.  It seems a very small contribution towards relieving some of the suffering in a disaster which shows no signs of letting up. Continue reading “Donating to Pakistan”

In the cool of the World Kitchen

When we escaped from the heat of the kitchen this is what we saw from the “minstrels’ gallery”overlooking the fantastic space of the Out of the Blue Drill Hall Arts Cafe transformed for the World Kitchen in Leith.  The music mixed by our minstrels, RadioMagnetic, is Quantic – Mishaps Happening (Tru Thoughts) and there’s that indefinable undertone hum of people having a good time.