Springing into action at Redbraes


Catnapping by the Polish memorial at Redbraes

What a difference a year makes. It is hard to believe that the view has changed so much since a group of enthusiastic volunteers started work on this site last spring.  Now Redbraes Community Garden is about to spring into action for a new growing season. Come and join the team on Saturday 21 March at 11 am when the hut will be open for refreshments. Continue reading “Springing into action at Redbraes”

How to warm up in November


This newsletter should get the circulation going. Here’s a sample of Scottish Asian poetry, a new Polish memorial (with or without Wojtek the bear) and a bonfire party at Redbraes. Plus our heartwarming harvest at Persevere garden, Frances Kahembwe on climate change in Africa, a Red Eye film club take on US politics and Scotland’s first Living Library with volunteers from Leith lining up to tell their story. We hope you enjoy it all.

A growing need for green space: planners and developers take note!


Volunteers digging for fun at Redbraes. Greenspace helps make people healthier and happier and builds stronger, safer communities too.

You may have noticed that gardens are beginning to take up more space in Leith Open Space newsletters. Perhaps that’s not surprising. According to a recent survey by Greener Leith, more people want to use the space in Leith Links for gardens and childrens play areas than for football, golf or, indeed, any other sport. But will the opinions of local people count for anything with planners and developers? Continue reading “A growing need for green space: planners and developers take note!”

Police raid Botanics for Redbraes Open Day


Caught greenhanded! PC Simon Daley (that’s him on the right), raids the nursery of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh – with a lot of help from nursery supervisor Pete Brownless (that’s him in the middle) and PC Ian Penicuik. Continue reading “Police raid Botanics for Redbraes Open Day”

Poetry and Politics in June


Natural Progression: 600 pieces of black bamboo set the scene for dance in the Botanics on midsummer night.

Poetry, politics and planting: we can look forward to a long hot summer, if events in this month’s newsletter are anything to go by. Get involved in environment politics through our Leith Open Space Opening Doors shadow scheme, and learn about an inspiring intercultural summer school. Don’t miss Dialogues of Wind and Bamboo midsummer’s event in the Botanics, look out for Poet’s Corner in Dalmeny Street, and watch Redbraes community garden grow. Come and help us plant some tatties in Persevere Garden on 21 June and relax in the Botanics on midsummer eve.

Redbraes wins the lottery


Community garden essentials: plants, enthusiastic volunteers and a nice mulch of money!

“The garden will become a focus for community social events but will also provide a quiet place for people to work, exercise or simply take some fresh air in beautiful surroundings.” Simon Daley, Community Beat Officer Continue reading “Redbraes wins the lottery”

Blossoming May


Another busy month in Leith and this newsletter offers just a glimpse of what is going on. There is groundbreaking discussion between faith groups (Seeking World Peace and Faith and Feminism) and hard work in community gardens (see Persevere and Redbraes). There is also sad news that Edinburgh Refugee Centre is closing but we congratulate them on their achievements over the last four years and look forward to their celebration in June.