A new Open Space discussion event is planned for Saturday 14 March when we warmly invite women of all ages from all communities in our area to talk about their experience of caring for all kinds of needs. Please join us at Pilmeny Youth Centre for a day which aims to turn words into actions to support women who care.
But who cares for the carers? What problems do you face and what support do you need to overcome them? The aim of every Open Space event is to turn words into actions. At the end of the day with your help we will produce a list of action points to send to politicians, policy makers and agencies.
This is the third multicultural discussion event organised by Leith Open Space and it takes place at Pilmeny Youth Centre on Saturday 14 March. Since our last event in May 2006 we have met so many remarkable women involved in community work we decided to make the next one an event specially for women. We are grateful to Shaheen Unis (pictured below at our 2006 event) for suggesting the theme of caring.
Caring is often (not always, but most often) the responsibility of women in any community. Caring can cover many different needs (for the young, the elderly, the needy of all ages, and the environment). The aim of the Open Space discussion event is to explore how we can learn from each others experience – and then to let our elected representatives know what government and local authority can do to give carers the support they need. (Click on About and How Open Space works for more information).
Once again donations are welcome for our multicultural buffet lunch. This part of the day always provide a great opportunity for people to get to know one another and share ideas (and recipes too maybe).
We will be sending invitations to a long mailing list compiled with the help of many different community workers. But if you want to make sure you are on the list don’t hesitate to get in touch, we will be delighted to hear from you. Please email Fay Young or Nick Gardner: leithopenspace@btconnect.com