The day starts with some tough questions. Who should care? Does caring begin and end in the family? How much support should the state give? And what exactly is a carer anyway? Such questions do the rounds as women join the circle of discussion on a sunny spring morning in Pilmeny Youth Centre. Then someone hits the nail on the head: most women do not see themselves as ‘carers’ at all so they never think of asking for help. Continue reading “Thank you for caring”
Tag: pilmeny youth centre
Who cares for the carers?

A new Open Space discussion event is planned for Saturday 14 March when we warmly invite women of all ages from all communities in our area to talk about their experience of caring for all kinds of needs. Please join us at Pilmeny Youth Centre for a day which aims to turn words into actions to support women who care. Continue reading “Who cares for the carers?”