What’s it Like to be Young in Leith?

Is Leith a good place to be young? This is a question for our community and we hope you will join us on Friday 20th May at The Citadel to explore other questions, opportunities and challenges facing young people in our neighbourhood.

One of a series of skateboard designs by Tommy Perman

We are delighted to be holding this event in partnership with The Citadel who have just celebrated 30 years of working with young people in Leith

This is a tough time to be young – jobs, training, college places and affordable housing are all hard to come by. The stereotypes of youth in the media don’t help either. But you only have to walk into The Citadel building to see the fantastic wealth of creative work produced by young people.

Throughout North Edinburgh and Leith, community groups and youth centres are making heroic and inspiring efforts to overcome obstacles. On low (or even no) budgets and often beneath the radar of publicity there are terrific achievements in music, art, drama, film and discussion groups.

A YouTube snapshot of the wonderful samba band, Pulse at the Place

So let’s come together to share ideas and experience at The Citadel Youth Centre on 20th May from 1pm to 4.30pm.  In Open Space there are no key speakers and we won’t know the agenda until you turn up. The event will be facilitated with Maggie Havergal of Open Futures but what we talk about is decided by the people in the opening circle.

At the end of the day with your help we will produce a list of action points. Then we will share the outcome with Leith Neighbourhood Partnership, our MP, MSPs and local councilors, and other relevant groups and organisations.

The event is free and open to people of all ages. But please book first ( Willy Barr of the Citadel is kindly organising a free buffet lunch) so we know how many to cater for. Looking forward to seeing you there.

To book a free place or for further information

Telephone: George Lamb 0131 555 9329 or email lamb769@btinternet.com

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