Time to dig out our wellies and head for the opening of the new Perseverence Community Garden at 11am on Wednesday 5 March. Leith Open Space is looking forward to sharing a plot with Greener Leith and we will be marking the spot by planting one of the fruit trees Alastair Tibbitt has ordered for the occasion. With any luck they will come with good weather.
Behind the walls, Perseverence Community Garden waits for planting
This is the result of a lot of hard work by Greener Leith supported by many environmental and community groups in the Leith area. For Leith Open Space it is the outcome of our Open Space discussion day in May 2006 when Mary Moriarty, vice chair of Leith Festival took part in an afternoon workshop and just happened to mention a campaign for a community garden in Leith.
Mary’s enthusiasm was infectious and we soon found ourselves getting involved. Now for the digging and planting…come and join us if you can. (See Fay’s blog, Leith twinned with Havana? for more).