Community green fingers

prague orchard

A good place to meet , this is a community orchard in Prague in late summer

How about this? A place where people of all cultures meet to grow fruit, flowers and vegetables and make new friends as they grow plants. Community gardens offer wonderful opportunities for bringing people together and it can happen in Leith. After a lot of hard work behind scenes, Greener Leith hopes to turn words into actions on Monday January 28 when a community garden is one of the main items on the agenda for their first meeting of the year. Please come along and join Leith Open Space in supporting this great project.

Plans for the Persevere Community Garden will be discussed at Greener Leith’s meeting in Leith Kirkgate Community Centre on Monday. As Alastair Tibbitt of Greener Leith explains: “The garden is adjacent to the Persevere High Flats, it is roughly triangular and walled in on all sides, but still gets some sunlight. It’s got loads of potential, and the council has recently split the space into a series of mini allotment plots – all of which are currently ‘bare earth’.”

Alastair hopes local community groups will get involved, sharing the work of turning bare earth into a fertile garden. The idea is to organise one or two events during the year, starting with a celebration to launch the site by planting some rare fruit trees in the garden.

Hoping to see you in The Persevere Room, Kirkgate Centre on Monday January 28 at 7.30pm! There are other interesting items on the agenda, such as the Pilton Park berry hedge. For more information see the Greener Leith website.

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