Welcome to a new community website which happened almost by accident but is fast becoming a great source of local information. Click on EH7 Community Noticeboard to find news and views of the proposed Tesco opening in Picardy Place, how to make requests under the Freedom of Information Act, or how to get council action on problems in your street. And much more.
The website is run by Rob Hainsworth, a member of Leith Walk Central Community Council. As he explains, one thing kind of led to another: “It came about as a way of publishing the results of a community consultation carried out in the Hillside area re what services local people wanted from the Department of Community Learning and Development given the demise of the Calton Centre.
“A community consultation produced by a group of local Hillside people for which I became the ad hoc convenor….It has developed, as I always wanted it to, into a more generalised Noticeboard for the use of all local community groups.”
Leith Open Space is very pleased to be one of the growing number of community groups listed on EH7 Noticeboard, although of course strictly speaking we are more EH6! As far as Rob is concerned that is not really the point.
“My feeling is that networking is more important than postal areas, (which more often than not don’t really reflect “communities of interest”).”
Rob is happy to publish news and views (photographs too) from:
Community Centres / Venues, School Parent Councils, Residents Associations
Church groups, “Friends of Parks” groups, Scouts, Boys Brigad. etc.
Who said there was no such thing as society?