The sun shone on the latest Redbraes open day celebrating the work of volunteers. Thanks to Becky Govier for the pictures.
Grass is cut, borders are blooming, fruit and veg are ripening fast and faces are smiling. In short, the stage is set for Edinburgh in Bloom judges visiting Redbraes Community Garden any day now.
Julian Siann and Jean Thomson have put in a special effort to get the garden ready for judging. But local people of all ages have become involved since the garden first opened just over a year ago.
That’s why Julian decided to enter the garden for the community section of Edinburgh in Bloom. This section of the competition puts a little more emphasis on people than plants so judges will be looking for evidence of community involvement as well as good design and floral displays, cleanliness and composting skills plus benefits to wildlife.
There’s all of that, and more, at Redbraes. Especially the community spirit encouraged by the committee chaired by Davie Thomson and energetically supported by our local community policeman, Simon Daley.
Room to work, rest and grow at Redbraes
“If we win it will be a great boost for everyone involved,” says Julian. “And if we don’t the effort has still been worth while.”
Whatever the judges decide, the committee have great plans for the future. And Julian’s long wish list (“put together on the back of a fag packet with Davie!”) includes covering for the seating area (for those days when the sun doesn’t shine!), timber frames for polytunnels, and salvaged timber to build a platform for wildlife viewing (“Simon can provide the decking”).
To put it another way, the garden is already a winner. “There is something about the place that always puts a smile on your face. You always find yourself laughing there,” says Becky Govier, the garden designer, who sent us these pictures of the open day.