The rhythm of the street

Pulling the shots 1Yang Chin and Soprano SaxWok on BobbyWell done Alan 1

Talking of photography, the film of the FEAST event is now up on the FEAST website. Alan Stockdale, Leith photographer and film-maker, fused images of Shanghai and Edinburgh with music inspired by the making of Dim Sum (made at Out of the Blue as we reported back in August).
Continue reading “The rhythm of the street”

What’s on?

Welcome to our Autumn newsletter with details of seasonal happenings and important events for all community groups in Leith. There is information about how to continue supporting the struggle for democracy in Burma with details of inspiring work at Forthview Primary School in Pilton. And if you are looking for ways of raising money you will be particularly interested in the Community Grant Information Day on November 6. Please scroll down through the autumn leaves to find out more!


Does your community group need money?

If the answer is “yesâ€?, then Mark Lazarowicz, MP for Edinburgh North and Leith, invites you to a community event to find out how to gain access to grants ‘big and small’. And, he says, please tell your friends and colleagues about it too. Continue reading “Does your community group need money?”

Butterflies and pumpkins

A trip to Butterfly and Insect World and a Hallowe’en party are highlightsbuttrfly in this month’s programme for Edinburgh Refugee Centre.

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The programme, published in Chinese, Turkish and Arabic as well as English, also offers free English classes as well as advice on housing, employment and health. For people who work or go to college, the centre is now open on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Continue reading “Butterflies and pumpkins”

Campaign for Leith Museum

The campaign for Leith Museum is making good progress. The petition, signed by many Leith Open Space supporters, goes before the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee at 2 pm on Tuesday November 6. If you are free, this is always an interesting meeting to attend as a member of the public – and perhaps you can persuade your MSP to support the cause too. Continue reading “Campaign for Leith Museum”

A FEAST in the street

Sun shone on the FEAST. Thanks to everyone who came, this imaginative event was a great success (we spotted our MP Mark Lazarowicz and a few other Leith Open Space supporters in the crowd).


As the music began, people moved towards a makeshift stage in the middle of the Eating Place food market in Castle Street, where Mrs Szeto served Chinese tea at tables arranged between stalls selling cured meat and ostrich burgers. Continue reading “A FEAST in the street”

Come to the FEAST

Here’s an invitation to a feast with a difference.


The FEAST celebrates Chinese food through film and music at a free public performance in Castle Street, Edinburgh on August 30 when Edinburgh band FOUND join forces with Chinese composer Kimho Ip to create music inspired by the sounds of preparing and cooking Dim Sum. Continue reading “Come to the FEAST”

What’s on?

If you want to find out what’s happening in Leith and North Edinburgh, look no further than a new community website celebrating Leith and North.

Congratulations to Nick Gardner, a member of Leith Open Space Group, who designed the website with local news as well as a lively what’s on section and links to the huge range of community groups in our part of town. Continue reading “What’s on?”