Spot the poetry in St Andrew Square?
Sadly, we missed the event in Leith last week when performance poet Mark Thompson carried poetry to the Library, for an evening about life and learning with adult learners and tutors from CLAN Edinburgh. But there’s still two weeks to go in the Carry a Poem campaign with free events all round town – not least the snowdrop walks in the Botanics every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in February. And look for the poetry planted in St Andrew Square.
Carry a Poem is this year’s brilliant idea for the annual reading campaign organised by Unesco City of Literature and the Scottish Poetry Library. There are all kinds of stories behind the poems people choose to carry with them as you can find out from the free books they are handing out all over the city.
At the Botanics you go for a snowdrop walk with the Rangers (meet at the new John Hope Gateway building at 11 am) and get a snowdrop poem to take home. In the Poetry Garden in St Andrew Square you can discover poems planted around the pond.
The little video here was taken on a mobile phone with sun blazing down on the snow – we just wanted to show that people were stopping to read the poems as soon as they were planted.
Lots more happening all over the city. Take a look at the Carry a Poem blog for details.